How to Buy Jewelry

We all love buying jewelry; it’s sparkly, it’s expressive, it’s sold pretty much everywhere, and, most importantly… It always fits! No matter the situation, we can always find a reason acquire an accessory. It’s always tempting to pick up something cute while out and about at a flea market, boutique, craft show, or while browsing the web. In that moment, it may seem like a great buy, but what is it you are really getting?

Figuring it out can often times be confusing, especially when it comes to the unfamiliar letters and numbers that can describe different types and qualities of jewelry. For example, a bracelet that appears to be solid gold may actually be gold-plated, meaning covered in gold, with another metal at the core, or gold-filled, referring to pieces made by covering gold in another metal (like platinum). Similarly, items advertised as “silver” are often times not Sterling Silver (which is desired for jewelry), 92.5% pure silver. Don’t hesitate to ask the seller about these differentiations prior to purchase, it is your right to be informed as a shopper! 

Happy New Year, and Happy Shopping! 


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